Friday, February 24, 2017

Artist Letter of Agreement and Contract DUE MARCH 3

Artist Letter of Agreement and Exhibition Contract Assignment

For this blog post you need to draft and artist letter of agreement and contract . Please make sure to post an electronic version to your blog before our class meeting on March 3, 2017.

There will be a grade deduction for late submissions.

Important Dates & Information
The Deborah Bright Exhibition (this is an imaginary exhibition!) opens Sept. 6, 2017 and runs through October 19, 2017
Artist’s Receptions:   Sept. 7, 2017

You should draft an agreement letter for Deborah Bright who will be featured in an exhibition at Northcutt Steele Gallery that includes the deadline by which a copy of the contract needs to be signed and returned to you (decide upon a reasonable date before the end of spring semester). The letter should also include an outline of the arrangement for shipping and return shipping for all artworks (choose appropriates deadlines for the receipt of the artwork and for the gallery to return the artworks that accommodates for packing and unpacking, etc.); make sure to indicate that the gallery director and gallery professional practices class will be receiving and ensuring proper handling, storage, and installation of the work. An example of an acceptance letter has been posted to d2l, but will require slight modifications.

You should also draft a generic artist letter of agreement/contract and a formatted Schedule of Artworks. Below are examples of both. Additional examples may be found on our D2L site.

AGREEMENT made as of the __________ day of MONTH, YEAR between ARTIST’S NAME (hereinafter referred to as the “Artist”), and Northcutt Steele Gallery, Montana State University Billings (hereinafter referred to as the “Exhibitor”).

The AGREEMENT as is follows:

1.     Creation and Title. This paragraph should include a statement that the Artist created and possesses unencumbered title to the works of art listed and described on the attached Gallery Listing of Artworks (to be turned in six weeks prior to the opening of the show) and has the right to loan these works for the purpose of exhibition (ADD TITLE OF EXHIBIITON HERE).

2.     Duration of Loan, Manner of Exhibition, and Fee. This paragraph should outline the duration of the loan agreement.  The Artist hereby agrees to loan the Exhibitor the works listed on the Gallery Schedule beginning XXX and ending XXX. The exhibitor agrees to exhibit these works for no less than XXX days during this time period as part of the exhibition titled: XXX. (You may wish to include the gallery hours here). These works shall be exhibited with other works by (NAME OTHER ARTISTS IF THIS IS NOT A ONE-PERSON EXHIBITION).

3.     Delivery, Condition, and Care. This paragraph should outline the responsibilities of transporting work to and from the gallery. Make sure to be as specific as possible in this paragraph and account for limited storage space, etc. (Think about what type of packaging may not be appropriate for the limits of gallery receiving/storage space, etc.). Draft a plan about when, where, and how the work will be received.

4.     Loss or Damage and Insurance. This paragraph outlines the parties responsible for insuring the artwork and during what dates. The Exhibitor shall be responsible for loss or damage of artwork for the duration of the exhibition. Insurance coverage during transportation to the Northcutt Steele Gallery, MSU Billings, shall be the responsibility of the Artist. Insurance coverage during transportation to the artist from the Northcutt Steele Gallery, MSU Billings shall also be the responsibility of the Artist. (Consider changing? Usually a gallery will insure the return of the artwork).

5.     Use of Work. This paragraph outlines the conditions of the loan and that the gallery will not use the work for other purposes. For examples of wording see the handout on artist contracts or the document posted to D2L.

6.     Condition of Work (Framing, Installation, Cleaning, and Repairs). This paragraph outlines the condition in which the artworks should be delivered to the Exhibitor. The Artist shall be responsible for delivering undamaged, ready for display artwork to the Exhibitor by the agreed delivery date. The Exhibitor shall not be responsible for proper installation of work that is not properly framed, wired, mounted, etc. All framed artwork must have a secure wire on the back and all three-dimensional work should have a sound base. In the event special installation is required for the display of any work, the labor and equipment involved shall be outlined in the Schedule of Artworks and paid for by the Artist.  Exhibitor agrees that the Artist shall have sole authority to determine when cleaning or repairs are necessary and to perform them him/herself.
7.     Copyright, Reproduction, and Promotion. The Exhibitor will provide an exhibition postcard. The Artist should provide an acceptabl, print-ready digital image (300 dpi, 5”x7”, jpeg or jpeg with longest dimensions between 2100 and 3500 pixels) for reproduction at least 6 weeks before the opening of the show. The Exhibitor will make every effort to provide color postcards for the Artist. The Artist is also responsible for providing the Exhibitor two (2) copies of an Inventory List of the artworks that will be shown, including title, medium, price (for insurance purposes), and dimensions.

6 weeks before the exhibition opening, the Artist shall also provide the Exhibitor with a short Biography paragraph, Artist Statement, and Resume for exhibition and promotional purposes. If desired, the Artist may provide the Exhibitor with a list of 25 names (consistently formatted) to be included within the mailing of the announcement postcards. The Exhibitor will also provide 25 cards to the Artist prior to the opening that the Artist may choose to mail. The Artist will note that the bulk mailing label located on the postcard that says “postage paid” is a bulk mailing label that used by the university and will need to affix postage.

8.    Right to Refuse works not listed in the schedule. The exhibitor shall retain the right to refuse for inclusion in this exhibition any work that has not been listed in the schedule of artworks.

9.    Anything else you feel is important for the smooth installation of the exhibition.

Artist and Northcutt Steele Gallery, Department of Art agree to the terms of this contract

____________________________________                        _______________________________
NAME OF ARTIST                                  Date                        YOUR NAME                      Date
Artist                                                                            Northcutt Steele Gallery Representative

Northcutt Steele Gallery, Department of Art, Montana State University Billings                                          

Exhibition Loan Agreement



Artist Contact information:
Telephone:                                                                                   Cell:
The artist assumes the responsibility of updating the gallery in a timely manner regarding any and all changes to contact information.

Artwork(s) List (Will likely be longer than 2 works  . . .  so creatively imagine this.)

1.   Title:  
Price: NFS/ Insurance value: $

2.  Title:  
Price: NFS/ Insurance value:

Lender Contact Information (Lender’s contact information is necessary if any of the artwork(s) are part of a gallery/museum or private collection.)

Address _________________________________________Telephone #_________________________
Credit (Exact form in which Lender’s name should appear for labels/publicity):

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